Monthly Holy Hour for Vocations
June 26th, 2020 Holy Hour Live Stream from the Cathedral of Saint Patrick
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2023 August-December Holy Hour Schedule
August 17 – St. Joseph, Occum
September 21 – St. Patrick, Mystic
October 19 – St. Mary, Willimantic
November 9 – Church of the Holy Family, Hebron
December 14 – St. John, Middletown
2024 January - July Holy Hour Schedule
January 18 – St. Thomas & St. Anne, Voluntown
February 22– St. Mary, Groton
March 21 – St. Matthias, East Lyme
April 18 – St. Bernard, Rockville
May 16 – St. Maurice, Bolton
June 28 – Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich
July 18 – St. Pius, Middletown
Prayer for Vocations
by Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich
God our Father, You sent your Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save us and lead us safely home. Raise up from among your people faithful sons and daughters suited to serve as priests and religious, the pastoral and spiritual needs of your people. May the breath of your Holy Spirit inspire many in our parishes, schools, homes, and neighborhoods throughout the Church of Norwich to listen and respond generously to your special call. To be present to your people in their joy and in their sorrow, give your sons priestly hearts, your daughter's hearts like Mary's, to teach your people in the faith give them disciplined minds, to be examples of lives of prayer, give them a thirst for holiness. With your divine assistance, we pray that we may seek always to form our Diocese into a vibrant community of faith. Amen.
Prayer for Priestly Vocations
by Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich
God our Father, You raise up many from among your children, consecrated in baptism and outstanding in virtue. From them, you choose priests to serve the needs of your people throughout the world. May the Holy Spirit inspire many from among our brothers in the Diocese of Norwich to answer the call to labor in your vineyard as priests of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, fill your sons with courage to give themselves totally to knowledge of your truth and their hearts with your love and mercy. Renew their faith and strengthen their hope, that together we may be faithful to your Son's mission to extend your Kingdom in our world according to your divine will. Amen.
Act of Spiritual Communion
Most loving Jesus, I adore You with a lively faith. You are present in this Sacrament by virtue of Your infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. Although conscious of my unworthiness, I place all my hope in You. I love You, O Lord, with all my heart and I desire to receive You now spiritually. Come therefore, O Lord, to me in spirit. Feed me, for I am hungry; strengthen me, for I am weak; enliven and sanctify me with Your sacred Body and Blood. Deliver me from all sin and make me always obedient to Your commands. Let me never be separated from You, my Saviour. Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign one God forever and ever. Amen.