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What is a Vocation?

In the simplest terms, “vocation” means a “call.” In general terms your vocation is what God calls you to do with your life. Everyone is called to know, love and serve God in this life, in order to be happy with him forever in heaven. Yet each one does this in a different, individual vocation such as marriage, religious life, priesthood or the single life.

Ultimately discovering your vocation is a decision made through prayer, but also requires one to make an informed decision, including advice from trusted friends, family and spiritual leaders. This page provides resources to those who may be considering a call to the consecrated, religious or priestly life.

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Catholic Charities

The mission of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, Inc. is to respond to Christ's call to care for those of all faiths, who are in need. Catholic Charities will provide compassionate social services for individuals and families living in the Diocese of Norwich. These services shall be provided in a fiscally responsible manner with an emphasis on quality, efficiency and effectiveness, with special attention to people who are poor or disadvantaged. Our vision is that Catholic Charities will be widely recognized as a caring, competent provider that is dedicated to meeting the social service needs of all people in the Diocese of Norwich, treating them with dignity and respect.

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Saint Vincent dePaul

Saint Vincent de Paul  in Middletown and Saint Vincent de Paul  Place in Norwich Place serve those who are physically, mentally, or spiritually impoverished. We welcome anyone in need. Our goal is to motivate our patrons toward self-sufficiency and a better life.

Saint Vincent dePaul Place- Norwich

Saint Vincent dePaul – Middletown

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Serves the Spanish-speaking population in the areas of Middletown, New London, Clinton, Norwich, and Willimantic by building Christian community, administering the sacraments, and providing church services for Spanish-speaking peoples of all ages.

Sirve a la población de habla hispana en las áreas de Middletown, New London, Clinton, Norwich, y Willimantic construyendo comunidad cristiana, administrar los sacramentos, y proporcionando servicios de la iglesia para los pueblos de habla hispana de todas las edades.

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The Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti continues the important work of helping Haitians help Haitians in the impoverished neighborhood of Christ Roi, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  A new building is under construction, to replace that destroyed by the earthquake.  The new building will again unite all services to improve Haitians' opportunities for access to healthcare, nutrition, educational sponsorship, twinning and hospitality to visitors.  The 30 year old commitment of the Diocesan mission in Haiti continues to be a strong presence to the people of Haiti.

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Office of Faith Events

The Office of Faith Events assists the Diocese and its parishes, to bring high quality supportive services and events that enable Catholics of all ages, especially youth, to know, practice and share their faith in a meaningful and purposeful way. The office encompasses Catholic Family Services, Catholic Scouting, Catechesis, C.Y.O. Sports, Evangelization, Faith Formation, RCIA, and Youth and Young Adult Ministries

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Catholic Family Services

The Catholic Family Services office provides resources and support to parishes and families to promote and celebrate happy and holy marriages and families. The office provides programs in the areas of marriage preparation, marriage enrichment and support, natural family planning, chastity for teens and serves as a resource for various diocesan support groups.

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Campus Ministry

The Office of Campus Ministry was established to make Christ present to the academic community in the Diocese of Norwich. The ministry serves students, faculty and staff at Connecticut College, Eastern Connecticut State University, UConn at Storrs, and Wesleyan University. On campus, we encourage the formation faith community, offer regular opportunities for reception of the sacraments and provide spiritual and moral guidance to individuals. The following programs are traditionally held on the campuses: Training for Eucharistic Ministers, Confirmation Instruction, Vocational discernment days, social gatherings, Days of reflection, Retreats, Alternative Spring Breaks and Bible Studies.

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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294