Goal for the Week…
Let’s use technology to enhance our Advent preparation!
Sometimes we hold the answers to our deepest
Spiritual questions right in the palm of our hand.
That being said take a look at what we hold in our hands most of the day- our cell phones. Their use is no longer just as a phone, most of us use them to text, get directions, google facts, stream news, watch movies, facetime, tweet, take photos and so much more. They assist us with numerous tasks throughout the day to make our lives physically easier.
*With that being said how many of us use that same device to make our spiritual lives easier?
*How many of us look up the Saint of the Day, a scripture quote, a prayer or any type of religious information?
*How many of send our family and friends inspirational quotes, special prayers or blessings we have found “on-line’?
*How many of us use the technology God has gifted us with to further His kingdom here on earth?
Imagine how different your day, week, month and year would be if your cell phone was a resource for spiritual growth and enrichment. This week try to enhance your advent preparation by learning more about your faith through the technology in the palm of your hand. The more you know about your faith, the more your faith will grow and the more meaningful this Advent will be for you.
We pray that you are able to gain a new perspective on Advent through technology this week and that you will share it with everyone you know!
Know you are in our prayers…Andrea, Liza, Marianne and Mary-Jo