The Third Sunday of Advent: Gaudete Sunday
Rejoice in the Lord, always: again, I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.
Goal for the Week… Spread Christian JOY!
This is the week to express our joy at the coming of our Savior. If we truly believe in the “gift of Christmas”- that Christ came into OUR WORLD as a baby-grew up like we did in human form-experienced the joys and sufferings we all do as human beings-then this is the Sunday set aside by the Church for us to express our excitement. The excitement that comes along with receiving the best gift ever given!
*When we receive an amazing gift our first impulse is to tell someone about it! *Our next impulse is to share that gift with the people we love!
*Our next impulse is to be thankful for that gift and to show that gratitude!
This week we rejoice because we know we have received the gift of unconditional love and eternal life for our loving Father. The gift of his Son, Jesus Christ our brother.
Who are you going to share your joy with this week? Do your family, friends and co-workers know how important your faith is to you? Will the people you meet in stores and offices this week feel your joy? Will you do something different this week to let God know how grateful you are for the gift of his Son?
Spread Christian joy this week in any way you possibly can! Be the embodiment of faith, hope and love to everyone you encounter through your word and deeds. Spreading that joy will change your
week as well as the lives of all the people you encounter.
What a great gift for you to give to the world.
We pray that you have a joyful week full of anticipation and excitement!
Know you are in our prayers…Andrea, Liza, Marianne and Mary-Jo