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Prayers From Haiti

Posted on June 23, 2020 in: Outreach to Haiti

Prayers From Haiti

 As we deal with the pain, sorrow and fear from the coronavirus, one of our friends in Haiti, an artisan, sent the following sentiments to one of our board members.

  • How are you doing these days? I was thinking about you.
  • By the grace of God, we are fine in Croix-des-Bouquets. My only concern, and the concern of many in my country, is that the U.S. are still troubled. We have so many friends there that we love so much.
  • Let us keep praying so God can give you His face. You and your country don't deserve this. God has a plan for the U.S., don't worry.
  • I don't know you well yet, but I love people who love my country and my brothers and sisters in Haiti. I keep praying for the U.S. because if it wasn't for your country, things could be far worse in my country. We are numerous as we are a big population. Many of the children can go to school, many of our young can go to university. All that because you received our brothers and sisters and gave them jobs to do. Haiti will always be indebted to your country.
  • I consider America is great because it is not only great for itself but also for many other countries in the world.
  • May God hear your prayers my friends in America and know that Haiti is feeling so sad because of your trouble now.

Our Haitian friend beautifully expresses the scriptural quotation from Romans (12:5), “We belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others.” For all the challenges Haiti has faced in their history, especially those in the past 10 years (a devastating earthquake, two major hurricanes, and great civil unrest often leading to violence), their concern is for others.

Our artisan friend expresses the great faith in God most Haitians have and their hope that the future will be better. This comes at a time when Haitians are preparing to face the full force of the pandemic knowing the fragility of their medical system, but their prayers and concerns are for us.

Outreach to Haiti has been working in Haiti for almost 40 years and provides medical and health care, food and nutrition, education scholarships, entrepreneurship programs and supplies as emergencies arise.

This past year, Haiti has faced a major food shortage due to the civil unrest, which will only be made worse by the pandemic. If you are able, please support our work. Our ministry in Haiti reflects the belief we are all made in the image and likeness of God and, as God’s children we are one family. Made God bless you. Please pray for Haiti.

By Susan Wallace 
Executive Director, Outreacch to Haiti

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