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Laudato Si in 30 Days

Posted on September 01, 2020 in: News, Reflections, FaithSparks

Laudato Si in 30 Days

As Stewards of Creation we share Laudato Si’ this month, written by Pope Francis, On Care for Our Common Home the earth.

For the fifth anniversary of the original Laudato Si, the encyclical has been condensed into thirty-day examination, for which the Office of Faith Events will facilitate a daily reflection through e-mails from September 1 through October 4. If you would like to sign up for this daily reflection please send your e-mail address to manicholas@norwichdiocese.net

To view the condensed Laudato Si month long daily reflections document please click HERE

For more information on Laudato Si go to: https://laudatosiyear.org/


In 1963, Saint John XXIII wrote his Encyclical, Pacem in Terris, Peace on Earth, in response to looming nuclear threats.

In 1971, Blessed Pope Paul VI expressed ecological concerns due to human activity. In his first Encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, Saint John Paul II called for a global ecological conversion and safeguards for human ecology. The statements by the popes have echoed the sentiments and findings of scientists and philosophers thereby helping to form our understanding.

Pope Francis spends some time discussing St. Francis of Assisi, the saint from which he selected his papal name, who viewed the world as united with us, rather than one in which we seek a competitive edge. 

Our Holy Father asks that we work together to better the world in which we live. Our throwaway culture and its impact on societal values, the "rapidification" of our industrial advance without consideration of the impact on culture and environmental issues, pollution leading to global warming as carbon dioxide levels increase, increasing shortages and pollution of our water supply, and the loss of our forests are outlined in Chapter I and beyond. 

"What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?" (160) It is very personal for those who have children and grandchildren. I know that the consequences of my actions have implications for everyone whose lives follow mine. How about you? 

We hope the Holy Spirit fills you in these next 30 days with opportunities to dialogue and create change. "The Lord hears the cry of the poor, blessed be the Lord!" (Psalm 34) 

Related: Storyteller and Catechist Speaks About Laudato Si (video)

Click here for a PDF copy of the document

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    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294