St. Pius X Church in Middletown is holding its 21st Annual Extraordinary Year, Extraordinary Giving Auction virtually.
This means ALL in the community are invited to participate in the online auction for the first time.
From March 6th through March 14th you will be able to go to and click on the link to the virtual auction. (the auction site will be live on March 1st for previewing items and the bidding will begin on March 6) From here you can bid on a wide variety of items from gift baskets, to excursions and virtual/zoom classes, as well as home improvement items.
We appreciate your support and generosity. God Bless you all.
ACTS Connecticut is running a Welcome to Spring Raffle
The ACTS Connecticut chapter is conducting a raffle in March featuring a wide variety of themed baskets, wreaths and other goodies appropriate for the Spring. The baskets have been donated by members of ACTS in the hope that you will find something of interest.
Winners will be notified on March 25th and items delivered on March 26th or 27th.
ACTS is a parish centered program to evangelize a parish community by bringing the Catholic practices of Adoration, Community, Theology and Service to individual parishes. The ultimate goal of the ACTS program is to develop an ACTS parish ministry using the time-tested ACTS retreat format. All proceeds go to the Connecticut chapter to further its mission to bring ACTS to every parish who wishes establish an ACTS community. Thank you for your support.
Promote Your Parish or School Event
Around the Diocese Submissions
Press releases announcing a diocesan, parish, or Catholic school-sponsored event must be received by Friday at 10:30 a.m. for publication in the following Thursday’s edition of the Email Newsletter. To ensure an announcement runs in a timely fashion, it is best to send your information at least 30 days prior to a scheduled event.
Your information should be typed into the body of an email. Please do not submit flyers. Please compose a paragraph containing the essential information about your event — what, when, where, and whom to contact. 175 word maximum.
Email your announcement to
To purchase an advertisement that can feature more detailed information about your event,
please contact Meredith Vernott by email at