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Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, Inc. Annual Report 2020

Posted on February 01, 2021 in: Catholic Charities News

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, Inc. Annual Report 2020

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, Inc. Annual Report 2020

A year with the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 brought many challenges and disrupted daily life for all of us. Individuals and families are struggling to survive. Our families, friends and neighbors became ill while others found themselves in the situation of being unemployed and facing eviction. People could not be near loved ones, while others faced this deadly virus every day as first responders.

With the help of your ongoing support, Catholic Charities provided the much-needed assistance that our neighbors in crisis were seeking. Because of you, our supporters, we were able to assist our neighbors with the following:

Intensive Case Management/Emergency Basic Needs served 7,814 households, providing 9,599 units of service to individuals and families in need. Individuals and families were helped with obtaining and maintaining self-sufficiency through short-term and long-term case management planning to include, but not limited to emergency basic needs, emergency food, transportation, rental, utility, fuel and prescription assistance, budgeting and financial skills education, job readiness, obtaining and maintaining employment, parenting and pregnancy support, and adoption searches.

Our three Emergency Food Pantries distributed more than 118,132 meals to families in need throughout our communities.

Total Emergency Basic Needs Direct Relief provided $268,342 in financial assistance.

313 Thanksgiving baskets distributed to families in need

404 families and children helped through

“A Very Giving Christmas”

73% of our clients were female   27% of our clients were male.

16% of our clients were under the age of 18.

Before restructuring and closing our Behavioral Health & Clinical Services program, our three licensed outpatient clinics served 273 clients and provided more than 1,464 units of direct service.

Behavioral Health & Clinical Services Charitable Care totaled $47,542.

Catholic Charities has become a lifeline for all those seeking help. During this unprecedented year of Covid-19, families and individuals have fallen into poverty and do not know where to turn or how to find and ask for assistance. Catholic Charities is proud to have helped everyone who came to us in need or in crisis either with services or resources.

Celebrating 100 Years of Providing Help & Creating Hope, 1921-2021

By CC News Desk 

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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294