On marriage, Pope Francis has written: “Love is not a feeling. Feelings come and go with the days and weeks. Love is more. It is a commitment to live through good times and difficult ones, through sickness and health, through thick and thin. Love comes from only one source: God. God is the basis of true marriage.”
To celebrate and honor the sacrament of marriage and the daily decisions couples make to commit to their spouses, the diocese recognizes the following couples celebrating anniversaries this year. Thank you for your years of enduring love and the witness you give to others of the fullness and beauty of living a Sacramental Marriage with God at the center of your lives. May God bless your union as you continue your journey of faith and love together.
By Mary-Jo McLaughlin
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More than 50 couples submitted their names to be included in this special Mass.
To see a listing of all the couples and view a gallery of photos visit NorwichDiocese.org/Anniversary

“Nothing is more important than that you love one another. So valuable and so precious is your special love for one another, that Jesus has made you one of the Sacraments of His Church. You, in your unique union with one another, are a sacred sign in your everyday life together of His caring, healing, and life-giving presence in the Church. Wherever you are, whatever you say in tenderness to one another, whatever you do in loving union with one another brings Jesus in His Body, the Church, alive in all whom you touch. He has called you to love one another in His name.”
~ Fr. Chuck Gallagher, SJ,
Worldwide Marriage Encounter