Bishop Columns

Bishop Columns


Entries for 2018

December 2018 Four County Catholic “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means “God is with us.” Matthew 1:23 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, May the spirit of this holy season fi ll your hearts with joy and your homes with peace! Christmas...


November 2018 Four County Cathol;ic “Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good; His Love Endures Forever.” Psalm 118:1 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Thanksgiving season is upon us. A time specifically set aside by the Pilgrims, nearly 400 years ago, to thank Almighty God for carrying them through their first y...


October 2018 Four County Catholic “As I Have Loved You” My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Three words. Love One Another. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ commanded the Apostles and by extension all of us with this simple directive. “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved yo...


September 2018 Four County Catholic   My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We all recognize the ever-growing reliance on the convenience, capacity and speed of digital communications. It creates quite a challenge and, at the same time, a wonderful opportunity for the Church and for those of us living our faith in a rural ...


August 2018 Four County Catholic My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Almost a year ago to the day, I wrote in my newspaper column of “our shared call to action as faithful Catholics to stand in solidarity with those enduring the struggle of keeping families together.” The continuing struggle at the southern border ha...


June/July 2018 Four County Catholic My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, June is such an exhilarating time of hope and promise as we embrace the continuing joy of the Easter Season and the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This is a season bursting with enthusiasm as seen in the faces of our graduating classes across the Dio...


May 2018 Four County Catholic My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we continue to celebrate the joyful Easter Season, we have been blessed with a wonderful message of joy and a call to holiness by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. It comes in the form of an apostolic exhortation perfectly titled Gaudete et Exsultate or Rejoi...


April 2018 Four County Catholic My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, With joy and thanksgiving, we have just concluded the Octave of Easter, the first eight days of the Easter Season. We now look forward to the continuance of the Easter celebration for its full fifty days. Easter is so triumphant and momentous a celebration of ou...


March 2018 Four County Catholic My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we continue our Lenten journey together and prayerfully contemplate Christ's suffering, death and resurrection, we are still grieving the loss of innocent young lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Ash Wednesday. We are su...


February 2018 Four County Catholic My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In my New Year's column in January, I spoke of how "God specializes in new beginnings."  As we now approach the holy season of Lent, we encounter an extraordinary opportunity to recognize our need to reform and to renew our lives in the lig...


 January 2018 Four County Catholic My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As a new year is now upon us, we realize that the challenges we face in these interesting times do not lessen from year to year. Fortunately, our faith shared in community with one another, empowers us to embrace the promise of new beginnings. It is time...


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    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294