Bishop Columns

Bishop Columns


Entries for 2021

December 2021 Four County Catholic Christmas Message 2021 “And the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, These words speak to us, in a beautifully po...


November 2021 Four County Catholic Lord of Love “They will fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14 My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, You can tell that it is Autumn in New England by...


October 2021 Four County Catholic Respect Life, Always My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, October is Respect Life Month. The theme this year is Saint Joseph, Defender of Life. In this year of Saint Joseph, we recall how Joseph protected the infant Jesus and His mother Mary. In his apostolic letter, “With a Father&rsquo...


September 2021 Four County Catholic Confident in Our Faith My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Inspiration can come to us in many ways. Sometimes the source of inspiration can surprise us. I had such a moment recently. While Storm Ida was rattling the windows of my office and I was praying for the people of New Orleans, I rec...


August 2021 Four County Catholic Be Not Afraid My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Fear is often the default state of human nature, especially when it comes to the unknown. Whether spoken by angels, or the Lord Himself, God, through His Word, assures us countless times to not be afraid. It has been echoed throughout the hi...


June/July 2021 Four County Catholic United in Hope My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Recently I was thinking of my dear friend, Monsignor Brown, who only a few short years ago was suddenly called from us to eternal rest. He believed that through the strength of faith “we live in hope.” His words were never more ...


May 2021 Four County Catholic Behold, Your Mother   Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord, Spring is here. A time for us to witness rebirth in the blossoming flowers and trees. Another form of rebirth occurred at Easter Vigil Masses in churches across the world. I pray that everyone who entered into our spiritual...


April 2021 Four County Catholic Hidden to Our Senses “The two recounted what had taken place on the way and how He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” Luke 24:35 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord, One of the most interesting and often puzzling aspects about the appearances of our Lord...


March 2021 Four County Catholic Lessons of the Basin and the Towel “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” John 13:15   My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Our 40-day Lenten journey of sacrifice and self-reflection is well underway. As we mov...


February 2021 Four County Catholic The Humility of Dust My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Lent is nearly upon us. It begins with a simple mark of ashes on our forehead and a reminder of our own mortality. “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:19) Lent 2021 is a severely challe...


January 2021 Four County Catholic A Beauty in Broken Things My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,   I recently saw a photograph of a broken piece of pottery that had been repaired by filling in the cracks with a mixture of lacquer and powdered gold. The process is called Kintsugi or “golden joinery”. The...


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