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Archbishop Coyne Reflects on the Baptism of the Lord: "Don't Ever Apologize for Being Catholic"

Posted on January 16, 2025 in: News, Reflections

Archbishop Coyne Reflects on the Baptism of the Lord: "Don't Ever Apologize for Being Catholic"

This past Sunday, Archbishop Christopher Coyne, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Norwich, delivered an inspiring homily at the Baptism of the Lord Mass. In his message, he urged the faithful to embrace their identity as Catholics with confidence and joy, reminding them, "Don't ever apologize for being Catholic."

Archbishop Coyne drew meaningful connections between the baptism of Jesus and our own call to live as beloved children of God. He reflected on the feast's profound significance, encouraging the community to proclaim the Good News boldly through acts of love, service, and faith.

Watch the full homily below to hear Archbishop Coyne’s reflections on this momentous occasion and how it challenges us to live out our baptismal promises courageously in today’s world.




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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294